Water Soluble Fertilizers with Metal Ions of Iron or Boron, or Zinc, enriched with Controlled Release Nitrogen. E.C. FERTILIZERS



Water Soluble granular or crystalline Fertilizers with Metal Ions of Iron or Boron, or Zinc. Metal compounds, enriched with Controlled Release Nitrogen for top dressing fertilization.

-spread on soil surface during plant’s growth stages or during summer for tree cultivation-

  1. NitroBor
  2. NitroFer
  3. NitroZinc

Rapidly assimilated by plants, they cover all nutrient needs and give quick satisfied results.


  • They are not toxic for soil and plant such as their competitors (Iron Sulfate, Borax, Zic Sulfate).
  • They do not create complexes in soil, they are not bound by other elements and they do not bind other nutrients such as their competitors.
  • They are controlled release, supplying from the 1st day but also for a long period the plants with the Metals they contain.



NITROFER  8-0-0+10Fe+T.E.
NITROZINC  8-0-0+10Ζn+T.E.
NITROBOR  8-0-0+10B+T.E.




Top Dressing fertilizers, spread on soil surface during plant’s growth stages or during summer, on fruit formation stage, for tree cultivation. Spread it on soil surface or dilute it into irrigation water.


Depends on the product and plant’s demands, please check the documents provided on next card.