Ledra Sustainabilitys

Every step we take is influenced by our commitment to principles of
environmental care, social responsibility, and ethical governance
as we strive to foster a balanced and sustainable future

From the beginning of our history, we have been committed to environmentally friendly farming and agricultural practices making the goal of Sustainable Agriculture a reality for us and our customers. Our globally popular organic fertilizers and biostimulants, form the largest part of our production process – over 80% of our products – and represent the principles of Sustainable Agriculture and the EU’s Development Strategy to protect soil biodiversity, soil health and succeed low carbon economy.

  • Their organic source nutrients and compounds work in harmony with nature, enhance the biological activity of soils by increasing populations of beneficial microorganisms and improving soil biodiversity and soil health.
  • Their high content of organic matter and organic carbon contributes to carbon sequestration by transporting atmospheric CO2 to the soil and preventing its emission back into the atmosphere.
  • Their high content of humic acids enhances soil water performance by retaining it, resists soil erosion and reduces losses through leaching, reducing the environmental impact of agriculture.
  • Their high quality and rich content of humic acids produce drought-resistant plants giving the opportunity to grow more and more resistant crops that adapt to climate change and high temperatures.
  • Our organic-based fertilizers work as slow- release fertilizers under a completely natural process that takes place in the soil, protecting the environment from chemical residues and offering the farmer a higher return on investment.

We focused on innovation to improve the efficiency and performance of our fertilizing products. We are carrying out new research projects with the collaboration of the two different Certified Research Institutes for in vitro and field testing of new organic compounds that cause higher absorption of nutrients by plants. With higher nutrient absorption of the inorganic nutrient elements:

  • 20-30% less fertilizer is required, while yield increases and crop quality improves.
  • We reduce our dependence on natural resources and chemicals with high CO2
  • We reduce soil and water pollution and the overall environmental impact of our fertilizing products.

We designed new formulas free of chemicals that affect human health and the environment, allowing non-harmful chemicals only when absolutely necessary. Therefore,

  • 90% of our products are free of harmful chemicals.
  • We Reduce soil and water pollution and the overall environmental impact of our fertilizing products.
  • We encourage our customers to return their empty plastic bags and containers to us.
  • We have reduced our plastic materials by 35% and by 2025 we will use 100% recyclable plastic packaging.
  • We use 60% less paper and by 2025 we will reduce it to 85%.
  • We have changed our policy on employee transportation, business travel and participation in exhibitions in order to minimize our global environmental footprint.
  • From our ratio of women to 50% in office employees, in Managerial positions and on the Board of Directors, to our deep interaction of the stakeholders in the decision-making of the Board of Directors, the zero involuntary mobility and the high education rate of our employees through formal training programs.

We are Closing the Loops!

We have reformed our supply chain by minimizing our dependence on new natural resources and on chemical raw materials with heavy CO2 . To date we have achieved this by 32% and we will continue to strive to aim for 50%.

We design out waste in production procedures and creating a reverse supply chain by reusing and repurposing our wastes. By this way we avoid the environmental polution and the depletion of our natural resources!

We have produced the 1st “CE BIOSTIMULANT” in Europe under the strict environmental criteria of the new Regulation for fertilizing products No.2019/1009 EU and we are working on a new group of products from 100% waste inputs, creating yet another circular economy model, conserving our natural capital, maintaining a balanced ecosystem and closing the loops!

Beloved organic farmers, defenders of the environment, stay tuned…