“ZYMOSISx2” Double Humification of Leonardite for Soil Improvers with the highest content in Humic Compounds

Liquid Soil Activator against soil salinity - High quality Fertilizer. Rapid improvement of saline and sodic soils. Certified, E.C. Registered.

Soil Imrpovers, Soil Activators, Organic-Inorganic products in solid form, activate soil fertility, regulate soil pH value, the richest products in Humic Acids. Certified, E.C. Registered.

Soil Improver-Organic Fertilizer in solid form, the richest product in Humic Acids. Transforms rapidly into fertile, even the most barren soil. Applies to organic farming.

Υγρός χουμοποιητής. Δημιουργεί χούμο από τα οργανικά φυτικά υπολείμματα καλλιεργειών.

Υγρά Εδαφοβελτιωτικά σκευάσματα για τη ρύθμιση του pH του εδάφους.